Mayfair by the Sea 8 Owner Exclusive Privilege 逸瓏灣業主尊享禮遇
Discount Offer: 30% off uponHK$3000 purchase of furniture
尊享禮遇: 購買傢俬產品滿港幣3000元可享七折優惠
Coupon holder can redeem the
offer at retail store for ONCE only
1. Bring the discount coupon to one of our retail store (Store Locations)
帶同優惠卷前往Francfranc香港門市 (門市地址)
2. Pick furniture you want or seek our in-store specialist’s recommendations
3. Proceed checkout, discount coupon will be collected after payment
1. This offer is valid from 01 May 2021 until 31 Dec 2021.
2. This offer is only applicable for services / products provided at Francfranc in Hong Kong
3. This offer can be used for original price items only, cannot be used to purchase consignment item, sale items, Francfranc gift vouchers / gift cards.
4. Each unit is entitled to use the offer once only.
5. The offer is not redeemable for cash, or transferable and no exchange or refund applicable.
6. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount or promotional offers.
7. Francfranc will not replace or reissue the coupon if it is lost, stolen or damaged.
8. The offer is valid on first-come, first-served basis while stock lasts, and Sino Club shall not be responsible for insufficient supply of the products/services.
優惠產品數量有限,售完即止,SinoClub 不會就產品/服務供應不足承擔任何責任。
9. Photos are for reference only.
10. Sino Club is not the organizer or provider of the product/service. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, Sino Club shall not be liable for the arrangement or quality of the product/service or any other aspects of the product/service whether or not it is arising out of or in connection with any false trade description, misrepresentation, mis-statement, omission, unauthorized representation, unfair trade practices or conduct relating to the product/service or in making available the product/service.
Sino Club 並非產品/服務之供應商。按適用法律最大容許範圍,SinoClub 不會就產品/服務質量或安排或其他方面承擔任何責任,不論該等責任是 否因與產品/服務、產品/服務的可予提供及/或產品/服務的可予提供相關的虛假商品說明、失實陳述、錯誤陳述、遺漏、未經授權陳述、不公平 貿易手法或行為而產生或與之相關的。
11. Sino Club Limited and Francfranc Hong Kong Limited reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Sino Club Limited 及 Francfranc Hong Kong Limited保留更改此優惠的條款及細則之權利,而無須預先通知。
12. Incase of any dispute, the decision of Sino Club Limited and Francfranc Hong Kong Limited shall be final and binding.
如有任何爭議,Sino Club Limited及FrancfrancHong Kong Limited的決定為最終及有約束力的決定。
In the event that you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, please contact us.