Acrylic Pen Tray Calendar Pink X Purple

產品編號: 1103060020045
Acrylic Pen Tray Calendar Pink X Purple

Acrylic Pen Tray Calendar Pink X Purple

產品編號: 1103060020045
Regular price HK$ 180
  • 家品/ 家飾 - 購買超過$350即可免運費
  • Delivery Time: 5-9 working days
  • 安全付款
  • 有貨
  • Inventory on the way
運費 將於結帳頁面計算


  • 網上商店有存貨
  • 尖沙咀iSQUARE 店少量存貨
  • 銅鑼灣店(京士頓街)充足庫存
  • 太古城店少量存貨
  • 奧海城購物中心少量存貨
  • 將軍澳PopCorn少量存貨
  • 元朗Yoho Mall沒有存貨
  • 沙田HomeSquare少量存貨
  • Festival Walk少量存貨


A colorful acrylic pen tray with a calendar that will add an accent to your desk.
Move the plate with the days of the week according to the month you will be using it in, and finish it to match the current month. It can be used every year, so you can use it for a long time.
Size: W78×D175×H103mm
Material: Acrylic
■Due to the design of the product, even if the month ends on the 30th, the display will continue until the 31st. Please be aware of this in advance.
■The corners of the pen tray are sharp, so please handle it with care to avoid injury.
■When carrying the product, please hold both the product itself and the acrylic plate. The plate part may slip off.
■Due to the nature of the product, the color and size may vary slightly from one to another.
■Do not use or store near fire or in direct sunlight. The main body may discolor if exposed to direct sunlight or light for a long time.
■Please use and store out of reach of small children and pets.
■Country of origin: China


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