隔熱墊 M圓形花圖案

產品編號: 1101010046312
隔熱墊 M圓形花圖案

隔熱墊 M圓形花圖案

產品編號: 1101010046312
Regular price HK$ 60 Sale price HK$ 45
  • 家品/ 家飾 - 購買超過$350即可免運費
  • 送貨時間 - 3至7個工作天
  • 安全付款
  • 有貨
  • Inventory on the way
運費 將於結帳頁面計算


  • 網上商店有存貨
  • 尖沙咀iSQUARE 店少量存貨
  • 銅鑼灣店(京士頓街)少量存貨
  • 太古城店少量存貨
  • 奧海城購物中心少量存貨
  • 將軍澳PopCorn少量存貨
  • 元朗Yoho Mall沒有存貨
  • 沙田HomeSquare沒有存貨
  • Festival Walk充足庫存


A trivet with a popular Lilia pattern.
The back side is finished with cork material to prevent scratches on tables etc.
Size: W200×D200×H8mm
Material: Surface: Dolomite, Back: Cork
■This product is a trivet made of dolomite. Please do not use it for any purpose other than its intended purpose.
■It may be damaged due to shock or sudden heating or cooling. Please handle with care.
■Color transfer or scratches may occur due to friction. Please be careful not to rub the pot etc. too hard.
■Do not use near fire. Discoloration or burntness may occur depending on the type of pot you use, heating method, and heating time. If dirt adheres to it, wipe it gently with a cloth dampened with water and wrung out.
■Do not use alcohol, detergent, bleach, etc. Please do not wash the product as this may cause the cork part to peel off or become moldy.


Chinoiserie Plate Yellow
Sale price HK$ 60 Regular price HK$ 120
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HK$ 680 HK$ 470
Crane Hanger 300 X 325 X 1440 Natural
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