Tweed Sugar Pot Pink

產品編號: 1101090071662
Tweed Sugar Pot Pink

Tweed Sugar Pot Pink

產品編號: 1101090071662
HK$ 150 HK$ 110
Sale price HK$ 55 Save 50%
  • 家品/ 家飾 - 購買超過$350即可免運費
  • 送貨時間 - 3至7個工作天
  • 安全付款
  • 有貨
  • Inventory on the way


  • 網上商店沒有存貨
  • 尖沙咀iSQUARE 店沒有存貨
  • 銅鑼灣店(京士頓街)沒有存貨
  • 太古城店沒有存貨
  • 奧海城購物中心沒有存貨
  • 將軍澳PopCorn少量存貨
  • 元朗Yoho Mall沒有存貨
  • 沙田HomeSquare沒有存貨
  • Festival Walk沒有存貨


This is a ceramic sugar pot with a tweed pattern that will make you feel like you are spending time at your dream cafe while staying at home.
The texture of the tweed fabric is expressed by the unevenness on the surface.
It's a perfect item for cafe time, and will also be a hit when entertaining.
We paid particular attention to the width of the tweed, the pattern of the tweed itself, and the color so that the food would stand out beautifully.
We also have other cafe items in the same series, such as milk pitchers and cups and saucers.
Available in 3 colors. Enjoy your favorite combination.

Size: W95×D78×H75mm
Material: Stoneware
■Microwave: Not possible
■Oven: Not possible
■Dishwasher: Not possible
■Please be careful not to stack or rub against cutlery as the gold finish may peel off. .
■When cleaning, please do not use a metal scrubber or cleanser, but wash by hand with a sponge.
■If the finish peels off, please be careful not to swallow it.
■This item is individually decorated with gold by hand. Please note that there are individual differences.
■Washers and silicone may be swallowed accidentally, so please do not use or store them near pets or children.
■Due to the characteristics of the glaze and print, there may be individual differences in color and pattern. Please enjoy the texture of the product.
■Country of origin: China


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